Our Story


Aussie Cosy is an Australian bedding company established in 2000 and, for more than two decades, have specialized in the production of excellent quality quilts. All of the wool used to make our products is sourced from local Australian farms guaranteeing exceptional quality which helps support the promotion of Australian brands.


Australian wool has unique advantages: it is delicate, smooth and elastic to the touch, and has good heat retention and moisture absorption properties. The Australian wool quilt has always been famous all over the world for its comfortable experience and high-quality.

We select only the best wool and cotton when it comes to production materials, and after cleaning and disinfection, the wool becomes soft and comfortable. We also only use 100% pure cotton on the quilt as it is breathable and hypoallergenic, and offer a choice of cover weaves: basic cotton or satin weave to provide options for our valued customers. 

In addition to wool quilts, Aussie Cosy also has alpaca wool quilts using high-quality alpaca wool which provide double the warmth while being lighter than a traditional wool quilt.

You can find Aussie Cosy quilts on local e-commerce platforms and retail stores across Australia.